Saturday, December 17, 2011

Door Number Seventeen

Door Number Seventeen
takes a scatological spiral twist as I found a giant taking a dump in a Spanish mall on tumblr
When you think of that classic Nativity scene chances are a plastic baby Jesus, followed by a flock of fiberglass sheep & chicken wire shepherds spring to mind.  In Spain however another character joined the three wise men dropping of a gift.  El Caganer couldn't find a bathroom at the stable so is found taking a poop to the side in Catalan Christmas nativities.  Just be grateful you didn't get cast as this character in the school play when you were a little shit!
Here are a few of my favourite ornaments that makes the fairy at the top of the Xmas tree glad she can only smell the scent of pine emanating from between her legs:
Surprising lack of flies
Faster than a speeding bullet

Moves like Jagger

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kitty has nothing to worry about -- it's black, oxidized blood that indicates intestinal bleeding.

    However, Lillibet is looking less than regal purple.
